39th Orchestral Season

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39th Orchestral Season

The Music World

Formosa Fantasia

Date and Time
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall
Ticket Fee
$100, $150, $250, $380
Yan Huichang
Performed by
Violin: Leung Kin-fung
Vocal: Linda Wong
Huqin: Zhang Chongxue

Electrifying strains from romantic Formosa

"Formosa", the older, alternative name for Taiwan, means "beautiful" in Portuguese. It was a name given to the beautiful island by passing Portuguese mariners in the 16th century. In this concert series, the HKCO brings to the audience of Hong Kong the beauty of Taiwan through music. Its exotic, indigenous culture and humanism are vividly captured in two works by Taiwan composers, Formosa Capricci and Taiwan Four Seasons. Sparks of youthful energy and electrifying sound scapesare exemplified in the concerto for traditional and electric violin, Wind Fire Wheel Techno - Nalakuvara, composed by a young Taiwanese composer and stars Leung Kin-fung, famous violinist and First Associate Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Then there is Fire Ritual, a huqin concerto by Tan Dun, which will be performed by the Huqin Principal of the HKCO, Zhang Chongxue. She will be demonstrating the charm of the remodelled eco-huqin series developed by the HKCO with her versatile use of the erhu, zhonghu and gaohu. Lending her voice to this Taiwan-themed concert is Linda Wong, whose connections to both Hong Kong and Taiwan were evidenced by her many hits over the decades.

Pre-concert talk
14/11/2015 (Sat) 6:45pm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Level 4 Foyer
Speaker: Mr Christopher Pak
(Head of Academic Studies in Music at HKAPA)

Free Admission Reservation: 3185 1600
Limited seats only. First come first served.

Ultraspeed Overture     Lo Leung-fai

Huqin Concerto
Fire Ritual     Tan dun
Huqin: Zhang Chongxue

Concerto for traditional and electric violin
Wind Fire Wheel Techno – Nalakuvara
(World premiere of the Chinese orchestral version)
Li Che - Yi
Violin: Leung Kin Fung

Formosa Capricci (Hong Kong Premiere) Wang I - Yu

Vocal favorites performed by Linda Wong