39th Orchestral Season

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39th Orchestral Season

Music for Tranquility of Mind

Soulful Journeys

Date and Time
25/6/2016 8:00pm
26/6/2016 3:00pm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Studio Theatre
Ticket Fee
$180 $250
Yan Huichang
Concert curated and hosted by Chiu Kwok-leung

Travelling through virtual territory

"Life is a journey, so travel it well." We may not be able to gauge what lies ahead, but we can live it to the full, each in our own way. In fact, where we go to doesn't matter as long as we enjoy the scenery and the people along the way, and we glean more about the meaning of Life. 'Let things be' should be the wise motto. Music, like travels, is a thing of beauty, an uplifting, gratifying experience. The new session of Music for Tranquility of Mind in this season will use Cantonese music and short tunes as the starting point, then move through the Chinese philosophy of the interconnection between the Five Elements, our five internal organs and the pentatonic scale. Let your body and mind roam free on this purging journey!

I Into the Green Woods
Dance of the Coconut Forest  Ng Tai-kong
A Nocturnal Rendezvous in the Woods  Kwan Sheng-yau
II Painting the Town Red 
Hong Kong - the City that Never Sleeps (Summer Night from A Song of the Four Seasons) Peng Xiuwen
Heart Chiu Kwok-leung Arr. by Alfred Wong
III From the Yellow Earth
Love without End  Mok Yin Lyrics by Doe Ching Instrumentation and arr. by Huang Chen-Nan
It’s a Sojourn in Life   Chen Da-Li and Chen Hsiu-Nan Lyrics by Chen Le-Jong and Wang Hui-Ling Arr. by Li Ka-wa
IV Where White Lights Shine 
Dance of the Golden Snake  olk Melody Compiled and arranged by Nie Er Orch. by Fu Yam-chi
Beautiful Clouds Chasing the Moon  Ren Guang Arr. by Law Wai-lun
V On the Black Waters
Autumn Moon on a Placid Lake Lui Man-shing Arr. by Wu Wai-lap
The Lake (Second Movement from the symphonic poem, The Sound of Water) Yan Huichang
Guqin:Zhou Yi 
Stepping High Lui Man-shing Arr. by Peng Xiuwen